Sous le haut patronage de sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI
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The International Conference on Behcet's Disease 2024 welcomes the submission of abstracts that make an original contribution to the field. All submitted abstracts will be selected through a blind review process conducted by an international review committee. Each abstract will be reviewed by at least two reviewers and the final selection of abstracts will be made by members of the conference scientific committee.


  • The deadline for abstract submission is 1st June, 2024 at midnight Universal Time (GMT). Abstracts will no longer be accepted after this date.
  • All abstracts must be submitted online via the website, after completing a registration form (for the site).
  • Abstracts sent by fax, post or e-mail will not be considered.
  • It is the responsibility of the author to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be reproduced as submitted by the author.
  • Please note that it is possible to modify an abstract, even after clicking "submit", until the end of the submission deadline.
  • Abstracts must be written in English.
  • The text must not exceed 2,000 characters including spaces.
  • Each presenter can present a maximum of two abstracts during the conference. There is no limit to the number of abstracts that can be submitted by an author.

Notification of Acceptance or Rejection

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the corresponding author, mid-June 2024. Please note that only the corresponding author (submission author) will receive this email. Authors whose abstracts have been accepted will receive instructions for the presentation (E-Poster) of their work.

Accepted abstracts will appear on the first day of the conference in the session planner (conference app) as well as on the conference website. Every effort is made to send notifications on the scheduled date.


It is not permitted to submit an abstract that has been published and/or is likely to be published before the ICBD abstract submission deadline. The scientific committee will have the right to withdraw a summary if its data have already been published.